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BC주 Uber or DoorDash등 배달 노동자 보호법 생긴다.


비씨 주 노동부 새로운 정책안을 발표하다.

BC주에서 우버나 도어대쉬등 배달하는 일을 하는 노동자들이 최소 소득기준 설정과 팁에대한 투명성이 생기면서

근로자들은  팁 이외에도 BC주 일반 최저임금의 120%인 시간당 약 $20을 받을 수 있게되었다. 

또한 회사에서 팁을 원천징수하는것이 금지되면서 더욱 투명한 팁을 받을 수 있게 된것이다.


살인적인 물가 상승으로 어려워진 BC주에서 세컨 잡으로 우버를 하면서 소득을 올리는 사람들에게 희망적인 소식임에는 분명하다.  향우 더욱 많은 개선점이 추가 될것이라고 기대해 보자! 


BC's Labor Minister Announces New Policy Changes for Gig Workers


BC's Labor Minister has recently announced new policy changes that aim to provide more protections for gig workers, such as Uber or DoorDash delivery drivers. These changes include the establishment of a minimum earning standard and increased transparency around earnings and tips.

Minimum Earning Standards

Under the new policy, gig workers will be entitled to a minimum earning standard that equals 120% of BC's general minimum wage, in addition to tips. Currently, BC's minimum wage is $16.75 per hour, which means that gig workers would earn around $20 per hour during active work.

Benefits and Protections

In addition to the minimum earning standard, the proposed changes aim to provide further benefits and protections for gig workers. Companies will be prohibited from withholding tips, and gig workers will have access to a review process if their accounts are suspended. Furthermore, the changes will ensure that gig workers have work safe coverage.

Worker Perspectives

During the announcement, two workers shared their perspectives on the proposed changes. One worker expressed frustration with the lack of recognition and fair compensation for the time spent on gig platforms. They emphasized the need for a minimum standard salary of at least $30 to $35, taking into account all expenses. Another worker highlighted the importance of basic benefits such as sick pay and vacation pay, as well as support for unexpected expenses like car repairs.

Implications for Gig Workers

The new policy changes are expected to have a significant impact on gig workers. If implemented as planned, the minimum earning standard would effectively double gig workers' current earnings. However, some workers argue that this increase still falls short of addressing the high cost of living in expensive cities like BC. They advocate for a higher hourly rate, more comprehensive benefits, and support for various operational costs.

Future Considerations

The province has acknowledged that there are further areas to address, including overtime status and statutory benefits like sick pay. The government anticipates that the new legislation will be implemented early next year, bringing additional changes and improvements for gig workers.

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캐나다에서 Uber Eats 알바하기, 우버이츠  (0) 2022.03.04